Have a Better Marriage Today (Part 1)

Maybe your marriage has gone a little flat – or maybe a lot.  Or you think it’s fine but are always open to improvements.  Here are some ways to improve your our marriage today!


Remember when you first started dating and whenever you saw your husband it would bring a smile to your face?  That automatic response tends to fade with time.  Whether it be familiarity or the trials of life, smiling at your spouse now takes intentionality.

Ask About His Day

And really listen.  This can be a tough, I know.  After being inundated with various input all day whether inside or outside the home, there can be precious little space for much more. 

Being with preschoolers all day and/or not fully understanding my husband’s job made it sometimes difficult to follow his train of thought.  But he appreciated the effort and my attentiveness just the same.  This is where mentally prepping your mind by saving some energy for your hubby later in the day can really help.

Speak well of him

Be sure to speak well of him both when he is in your presence and not with you.  There is a myriad of reasons we can become frustrated with our husbands.  I know all too well the temptation to speak ill of him in the hopes it will motivate him to change.

But the exact opposite is true.  This is an area I failed terribly early in our marriage and was actually tearing my marriage down rather than building it up.

Pray for Him

Pray for your husband and with him (if comfortable).  Think of all the challenges your husband faces on a daily basis and make a list of ways you can pray for him.  Or to make it easier you can sign up for a 30-day prayer challenge like this one or grab any one of the free online pintables.


Speak His Love language

Do you know your husbands love language?  You can read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (although there are many more than five) or just ask.  Our tendency is to “speak” our love language to our spouse instead of their love language because it is second nature for us.

One of my husband’s love languages is Words of Affirmation and when I first started trying to speak those words, I felt so sappy!  But clearly it built him up and became easier with practice.

Now, I enjoy speaking his love language.  It affirms him which in turn nourishes our relationship and is a great example to our kids and others around us.  Plus, it encourages him to speak mine!

Check back in next week for Part 2.

What do you do to nurture your marriage?

For more inspiration and encouragement check out these other posts:


Have a Better Marriage Today! (Part 2) plus *Bonus*


From Poverty to Royalty