Where to Find Me…

Missions Stories: Rilee Conrad
Rilee Conrad reluctantly goes on a mission trip with her church only to be pleasantly surprised by God in many ways. Read her interview here to see how God opened her eyes to those around her and how He revealed a new found spiritual gift of evangelism.
Maggie Rowe - Not Slowing Down
Feeling like you are all washed up and have no purpose any longer? Check out my interview with the amazing Maggie Rowe for Carolina Spark Magazine and be inspired!
4 Tips to Adjust Once Your Kids are Grown and Gone
The kids have come for a visit and gone home. Read this guest post for Her View From Home for tips on life after they’ve left - again.
The Kids Are Grown - Now What?
In this guest post for Her View From Home , I share some surprising, and not so boring, discoveries of the empty nest.
be the two Podcast - Healing from Childhood Trauma - Part 2 with Susan Zurcher
In this interview with be the two podcast host Ashley Moore I share not only the challenges of living with a spouse with CPTSD, but the God-given victories as well. Listen here.
be the two Podcast - Healing From Childhood Trauma - Part 1 with Cory Zurcher
Listen here as host Ashley Moore of be the two podcast interviews my husband as he shares his story of childhood trauma and healing.
22 Fascinating Similarities Between Joseph and Jesus
Joseph is said to be a type of Jesus, but what do Joseph and Jesus have in common? Click here to read my guest post at thinkaboutthings.com and find out!
5 Ways to Celebrate Heaven Now
Want to celebrate heaven now? Read my guest post for Living By Design’s Saturday SOULfood here to start the party!
From Surviving to Thriving: The Restoration of a Life and Marriage
As Part of the Karen Kay Smith’s Finding Faith When Struggling with Why series, I am grateful I was able to share our story of hope and restoration here.
Hope When Your Heart is Heavy Devotional - Proverbs 31 Ministries
This devotional contains 44 uplifting messages to encourage and carry you through the trials of life. I was honored to be a contributor. Get yours while supplies last here . It would make a wonderful gift!
The Surprises in Parenting Young Adults
Check out my guest post for the Perennial Gen where I take an interesting yet comical look at what I am learning parenting my young adult children.
Spiritual Warfare for Your Loved Ones
I’m thankful my words were shared in Living By Design’s Saturday SOULfood where I share my spiritual battle for my daughter’s - as well as my own - health.
In The Whisper Podcast
Thanks to Nita Wilkinson for sharing our story of redeeming our marriage and my husbands life after enduring the ravages of childhood abuse and ensuing CPTSD (scroll down to my name).
The Round Farmhouse Ministries Coffee & Convictions - All Eyes on Him
In this guest post I share how I was once again delighted and surprised by God’s provision in my life.
Faith and Gather - Pray. Eat. Move
Read on how I discovered three priorities needed for sanity in a world of chaos.