3 Ways to Really Live - Today
Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash
Recently my father passed away peacefully.
It was sad but was a relief at the same time since he was no longer suffering.
Have you been there?
Dad had suffered multiple strokes in the last two years. The last one left him unresponsive.
It was difficult to witness, but we honored his wishes and refrained from life support.
We had been spoiled really.
Dad had excellent health for most of his life.
While our friends’ parents were having serious health issues 10 and 20 years earlier, our folks seemed to keep going, suffering only common age-related aches and pains for the most part.
We jokingly called dad the Energizer Bunny.
Death is the great equalizer. It happens to all of us, rich, poor, old, young, healthy, and not so healthy.
There’s nothing quite like facing death to make you appreciate life.
Though none of us know how long we have on the earth, Scripture is clear – our lives are merely a vapor - a mist (James 4:14).
A fact easily overlooked in the everyday mundane of life that is work, cooking, cleaning, laundry, bills, etc.
It feels as if life will go on as it always has, until it doesn’t.
Moses asked God in Psalm 90:12 “teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom”
In other words, Moses was asking for help to cherish - and not waste - our God-given time here on earth.
This shines a spotlight on life to not take it for granted.
We are so blessed to have the Lord with us now and forever more.
For those of us who have already accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior, we’ve already started our eternal life right here in the middle of this fallen world.
Everything is dying, not evolving as some claim. This world is not forever, it will pass away (Matthew 24:35).
And even though this world is temporary, the Lord continues to lavish us with innumerable blessings.
We don’t have to wait till we get to heaven to have an eternal impact and He doesn’t leave us to figure it all out alone.
Scripture tells us He is always with us and has sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper.
Here are a few ways He has revealed we can really enjoy His gift of life - today.
Good Works
God has had a plan for our lives since before the beginning of time. He has good works which He planned in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).
God knows what He created us for and gives us the ability to do it.
Not sure what those “works” are? That’s where we get to explore.
We get to go around doing good as Jesus did and see where we fit (Acts 10:38). In no time, we will find the need with our name on it.
Please hear this; we can’t work for our salvation. Scripture makes it clear – God does all the saving, we do nothing. Salvation is a free gift (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Our good works are an expression of our thanks to God for His indescribable gift (2 Corinthians 9:15)!
Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash
Joining Him in His Work & Joy
God is always working and, in His kindness, He invites us to join Him (John 5:17).
He doesn’t need us to accomplish His will, but like a loving Father with his children, he invites and desires we take part in His divine joy. The joy He, the Son, and Spirit share delighting in one another and in creation.
Doesn’t that sound wonderful?
Is it any wonder we feel good when we allow the Lord to work through us to show others the same love, kindness, patience, compassion, etc. we’ve received from Him?
He invites us to not only to a momentary good feeling, but to experience His lasting joy (John 15:11).
As commentator Matthew Henry writes, “Those and those only that have Christ’s joy remaining in them have their joy full; worldly joys are empty, soon surfeit but never satisfy.”
The Big Scheme
Death has a way of suddenly changing our perspective on everyday life.
Things once deemed an annoyance; an inconsiderate neighbor, a lonely acquaintance wanting to talk when you’re in a hurry, or bill you weren’t expecting don’t have quite the impact they once did.
We realize some things really don’t matter in the big scheme of life.
What matters is God, His Word, and people. They are the only things that are eternal and will never go away.
You and I will never know the time of our earthly departure.
What I do know is when the Lord calls me home and I am swept up in His presence I want to be found basking in His joy!
Dearest Father, please show me, like Moses, how I can use the time given me wisely, to enjoy You and use my life shine the spotlight on You today. In Jesus Name, Amen.
For more encouragement and inspiration check out these other posts: