The Best Tattoo

The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. (1 Corinthians 6:13b ESV)

Mom let’s get matching tattoos!”, my daughter exclaimed wide-eyed.  Not wanting to squelch her enthusiasm I hesitantly uttered “Uh, maybe”.

During my younger – and not so wise- years, I was a sun worshipper.  The highest SPF used was four and even that was uncommon.  Baby oil, silver reflective shields, and sunburn were the norm. 

Now much older, I go to great lengths to pamper my skin in the desperate attempt to undo the sun damage done all those years ago.  So, the thought of needle and ink on my skin made me cringe.

In this passage, Paul exhorts us how to view, and use, our physical bodies. 

What may seem obvious to us was not so obvious to the Corinthians living in a pagan culture of temple prostitution.  Our bodies are to be holy unto the Lord and not meant for sexual immorality of any kind.

But what about this last part - how is my body for the Lord and the Lord for my body?

Just as we become spiritual members of the body of Christ when we are born again, our physical bodies become members of Christ as well (vs. 15).  We become God’s dwelling place when the Holy Spirit comes to live in these temporary bodies (Ephesians 1:13). 

We are also warned not become drunk or overeat (Ephesians 5:18, Proverbs 23: 20-21).  Clearly, God cares about our physical bodies.

This set me wondering.

Do I honor God with my body daily?

Do I fuel my body with nutritious food or junk food?

Do I go where He wants me to go and do what He wants me to do or can’t be bothered?

Do I only ingest godly books, tv, movies, etc. or rationalize it’s okay just this once?

Do I offer my body freely in celebrating my marriage, or am I guarded and withholding?

The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. (1 Corinthians 6:13b ESV)

When we use our bodies for His good will and purposes, we join Christ in His kingdom work of drawing others to Him.  But how can I do God’s work if I don’t take care of my physical body and offer it to Him daily?  Paul exhorts us at the end of chapter 6 to honor God with our bodies since we are not our own and were bought with a price.

While the matching tattoos haven’t happened yet, the more important question is do I have God’s name tattooed on my heart?  Are His good plans and purpose my daily priority?

Even though our bodies may be tired and achy and not feel very spiritual, God can use them now and will later resurrect them glorified.

In the meantime, won’t you join me today in looking for ways to honor God with our bodies?  Friend, you and I are precious to our Heavenly Father – heart, mind, soul, and body.

How do you try to honor God with your body? 

For more encouragement and inspiration check out these other posts:


Swaddling Clothes?


3 (more) Ways to Praise This Christmas