Living Out Our Biblical Worldview

Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash

I recently attended my very first writers conference.

It was an exciting time abuzz with all the creative energy of many writers and authors in one place.  Newbies like me all the way up to the multi-published gathered together to learn, teach, inspire, and encourage.

One workshop particularly stuck with me; Writing our Christian Worldview in the General Market.

The teacher explained people in general are hungry for truth today because they don’t know it.  They were not taught absolute truths like many of us were when we were young.

Children aren’t being taken to church like they used to – 85% of kids used to go to church.

Now?  That number has flipped and we are left with a generation (or two) of people who simply don’t know the truth.

She went on to explain our Christian worldview should permeate every area of our lives, including our writing.

Not necessarily outright preaching, but teaching truth, morals, and values through story and example, just like Jesus.

I thought of this recently as I am listening to the book The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family by Ron and Clint Howard.

As Ron Howard recounts his time on The Andy Griffith Show, he shares how his character Opie was originally written to be smart-mouthed and disrespectable.

Ron’s dad and agent, Rance Howard, didn’t think this would go over well.  He thought Andy and Opie should have a relationship of love and respect, similar to he and Ron’s relationship.

Rance shared this idea with Andy and Andy agreed.

Hence, The Andy Griffith Show continues to warm countless hearts after all these years teaching lessons of kindness, love, and respect, and the benefits of obeying the law – all with lighthearted humor.

Again, the show is not preachy. It teaches biblical morals and values through everyday life experiences.  And we’re left feeling happy and content at the end.

And understandably so.  A family, school, society, workplace, etc. that values and protects it’s members thrive because it’s a safe place to learn and grow.

Each person can operate to their full capacity because they don’t have to worry about fighting to get their needs met and know their best interests are at heart.

There is actually a Bible study based on the show.  How different the outcome would have been had they used the original script!

The workshop teacher at the writers’ conference went on to share we all need – and want – a hero.

And there is no bigger or better hero than Jesus.

He famously said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32 ESV)

Isn’t that what we all long for – justice and true freedom? And it can only be found in the person of Jesus Christ. 

The world desperately needs and longs for this beautiful Truth.

How are you and I going to live out this Truth today?

For more encouragement and inspiration check out these other posts:


Making Your Days Count


Hope for Your Trials