Resting in the Arms of my True Love After Letting Go of Another

Photo by Raul Varzar on Unsplash

Recently we moved our baby girl 1800 miles away.

Upon arriving, my hurting heart wanted to turn around and leave, not wanting to delay the dreaded goodbye any longer than necessary.

But we had planned to spend the week, helping her settle in and take in the local sights.

As time grew closer to leave, I was tempted to allow the impending separation to weigh heavy.  But then I heard the voice of the Lord whisper to my heart sweetly and tenderly you can now fully return to Me, your First Love, just like in the beginning when you first believed.

It wasn’t as if I had rejected or neglected my relationship with the Lord.  It was a matter of simple math.  The more things in our lives to take up our time, the less time we have with the Lord.

Raising godly children is a blessing for sure, but it takes time and energy and sacrifice.  It is an act of worship all its own.

The Lord also revealed even though my job of raising my children is over, I will always be a mother.  Even though my children have moved away, my position as mother can never be taken away.

I may be embarking on a new season, but I will always be their mother.

In the Beginning

When I first became a believer – when I truly understood the immensity of the gospel (as much as a human can grasp)- I was elated. It is truly the Good News!

I was “high on the Most High”.  Floating on air.  The truth of Romans 8:1 there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus rang joyously through my mind and carried my along weightless, much like a prisoner hearing the long-awaited words you can go free now.

The years of fear, darkness, and uncertainty over my eternal destination gone in an instant.  It was a sweet time.  One in which I had not yet felt the heat of the Refiners fire and the trials I would face in the coming decades.

Now here I was.  Saying goodbye to one precious love in my life while my Best and truest Love was comforting me in an all-encompassing embrace.

We will never have to say goodbye to Him.  He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

And we can truly rest in Him. Not only for the joy of being with Him, but for what we need in any phase of life.  For me, it was soothing my mother’s aching heart.

The Lord of course has always been there and always will be.  We are the ones who get stretched thin by life’s demands.

He knows and understands.  And our First Love is always there with open arms - ready to comfort, strengthen, carry.  No matter what phase of life we find ourselves.

Are you struggling in your current phase of life?  Feeling sad, lost, and maybe unwanted or not needed? 

The Lord has a plan for every stage of our lives.  Rest in His open and loving arms and enjoy Him. He’s ready to show you your next adventure.

For more encouragement and inspiration check out these other posts:


4 Beautiful Reminders from Psalm 90


A Truth to Ponder Every Month Series - Part 5