A Truth to Ponder Every Month Series - Part 1

The following is a series for 2022 posted the first week of the month.


After enjoying the holiday lights, decorations and celebrations, post festivities – along with gloomy weather - can leave us down and deflated.

Much of the world is shivering cold this time of year.  It is dark and gray and everything appears to be dead (except for the glorious evergreen!). 

Yet it is in this less-than-ideal backdrop the light of Christ shines all the more, not unlike last month when we celebrated the King of the universe being born in a stable! 

It is in this drab darkness our need for a Savior – both physically and spiritually – is inescapable.

Reminiscent of the gloom and sadness experienced after Jesus died and was buried, we wait in expectation for spring and the earth to revive just as Christ rose from the dead after three days in the tomb.

Following on the heels of celebrating Christs’ birth, this month drives home our need for a Savior.

How do you feel in January? Are you down or do you feel excited about the upcoming year?

For more encouragement and inspiration check out these other posts:


Dear Writer Friend


4 Tips for a Better 2022