4 Reasons to Love Those Difficult to Love

The familiar pang echoed through the hollow of my heart.

Once again, my love had not been reciprocated.


It sounds so good – so dreamy.

We sing about it:  Jesus loves me this I know.  We see it on signs: God loves you.

Even the old Coca-Cola commercial wants to furnish the world with love.

But when it comes down to it, loving people this side of heaven can be…well, difficult.

Has God called you, like me, to love someone who is unlovable at times?  Uninterested in your love?  But you know beyond a shadow of a doubt God has placed them in your path to love them?

I’m not talking about talking about an abusive or toxic relationship*.  I’m talking about those people that take a little more effort.  The ones you’d rather quietly slip by and let someone else love.

On the other hand, we may think we are easy to love, but other people? Well that’s a different story.

It’s true, some people are difficult to love.  They are hard and closed off.  Negative. Sullen.  Cold and selfish.

We are tempted to think only God can love such people.  We brush them off and turn our backs thinking why waste my precious time on someone who doesn’t value my effort?  Why give of myself to someone who doesn’t value me?!

But Scripture says otherwise.  Over and over again we are told to love one another, most famously by Jesus Himself.

Here are four reasons to love others, even when it’s challenging.

1. An Opportunity to Love Like God

God loves and God is love (1 John 4:16).  His love never changes despite our feelings or actions. 

When we love others the way God loves us we become conduits of His love.  We become His love with skin on.

When we choose to love instead of pout what about me?, we get to lay down our own opinions, selfishness, and hurt feelings and use our time and energy for good instead of a pity party, which doesn’t do anyone any good.

When we love others, we elevate them to the status God elevates us.

Man belittles and tears down, but God lifts up.  He loves each of His “image bearers” just as we are, declaring our priceless worth and value.

God of course does not love our sin.  He hates it in fact.  Despite that, it does not change our worth and value in His eyes and when we confess and repent of our sin, He will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

2. Honor God

Many times we do things because it is the right thing to do, not because we feel like doing them.  When we show love to others because God loves them, we honor God. 

We tell God, I trust You.  I am going to love this person and believe You for the outcome – both for them and me.

This is exactly what Jesus did.  He humbled Himself and came to earth to be a sacrifice for an unfaithful and sinful people knowing God would raise Him up to His rightful position.

We don’t always feel like loving others, but we love God and others because He loved us first.

3. Elevate Us

When we humble ourselves, in time God will lift us up (James 4:10).  While this isn’t the only reason to love the unlovable, it sure helps the effort.

It is just like God to provide the encouragement He knew we would need for this challenge.  

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

4. Draw Them to God

Most importantly, when we do things for others unselfishly, they will notice. 

Eventually, they will notice the peace and contentment in our giving and generosity and it is not for selfish gain.  They see our inner contentment does not come from stuff or money.

We have another source.  A stronger and bigger – infinite -  source we can trust to take care of our needs despite our sacrifice.

This opens the door to share the Good News.  To tell them about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and about our God who has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves (Colossians 1:13-14).

How do you love those in your life difficult to love?

*If you fear for the safety of yourself or loved ones, please seek immediate help or go to your local women’s shelter.

For more encouragement and inspiration check out these other posts:


4 Ways to Walk in Wisdom


A Truth to Ponder Every Month Series - June