
He Died for You

Yeah, you probably already know. Jesus died for you and for me.  He took our punishment upon Himself so that we could have an eternal relationship with Him.  Pretty awesome, huh?

Then why do I feel like a super dud sometimes?  With that knowledge I should be joyful all the time, right (Phil. 4:4)?

Things have been hard lately.

Enter pandemic.  Job loss, Isolation, sickness and sometimes even death of loved ones, bad news, election debacles, kids in school, kids out of school, lonely holidays, testing positive, testing negative, and on and on. 

It can make you feel as if no one is really in control or knows what is going on.

Or do they? 

He Knows

He knows.  He knew this all would happen.  He knew we would struggle.  He knew we would feel isolated, lonely, confused, etc. and He is still here.  He never left.

He is constant.  He will never leave us or forsake us.  He was there even through various “pandemics” throughout history.  Even before we were wearing masks.

I am sorry you are struggling today.  I am struggling too.  But know God loves you as much today as He did last year, or ten years ago, or when He created you before time (Eph. 1:4).  You are not struggling because you are being “punished”. 

I have an invitation for you.  Will you join me?

Will you join me in focusing on the amazing, overarching fact Jesus loves you and me- On the beautiful, awful truth that He loved us so much He was willingly murdered so we wouldn’t be separated from Him for eternity?  Just sit in that for a bit …

So, if you are feeling forgotten, lost, overwhelmed, etc. take heart!  Cry out to Jesus.  He is right there with you and you are precious to Him.

Rest in Him, let Him hold you up, and carry you to a brighter day.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  Matt. 11: 28-30 ESV



A Harmonious Marriage


Word of the Year