What Does Man Desire?

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What does man really desire?  What does every person desire?

Advertisers love to tell us what we desire.  You need a fancy home, new cars (at least two), straight white teeth, a perfect complexion, and a get together on an urban rooftop with model thirtysomethings, complete with Edison lights and a pricey hard drink.  Sounds like a painfully rough morning to me.

We may be tempted to agree with the advertisers.  Marketers know the lure of the dangling carrot.  The longer we linger, the easier they move in for the kill.  This technique is as old as the hills – literally.  We have been falling for this one since the beginning.  Just ask Eve.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with nice homes, cars, looking your best, etc., but what does our soul truly desire?  God, who knows our in most being, tells us (Psalm 139:13):

What a person desires is unfailing love (Proverbs 19:22a NIV)

Also translated:





Loyalty, etc.

In this particular Scripture we are exhorted to imitate God by showing acts of kindness to one another.  Kind people are attractive, aren’t they?  Just as we are drawn to the Lord for His kindness (Romans 2:4) we are also drawn to others who are kind - those we feel we can trust and have our best interest at heart.

We may think our “top ten” desires are physically only.  It is easy to focus on what we do not have in the physical world – especially in the first world.  What the Joneses have that we do not.  But if we are honest with ourselves, we long to be loved and accepted just as we are - real soul to soul relationships with no strings attached.  One where the other person really cares about us and our wellbeing. 

We have all heard of the rich person who was miserable because they had no real meaning or purpose in their lives other than investigating the next person trying to swindle them out of their money, so keeping a death grip on our stuff is not the answer.

The interesting thing is many relationships are started with an act of kindness.  This not only makes the recipient of the kindness feel good, but the giver as well.  When we help others, our bodies release feel-good chemicals such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, among others.  Sounds like a God plan to me!

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We may not be too excited about helping others, concerned about our own needs, and wondering how and when they are going to be met.  But we need not worry.  God promises many times over in Scripture He will take care of us when we care for others (Proverbs 11:24, 19:17, Malachi 3:10, Philippians 4:18-19).


Dearest Heavenly Father, the next time I am tempted to feel sorry for myself, please remind me to turn my concerns over to You because You care about all things, big and small. Then help me do the better thing by imitating You and doing something kind for someone else.  I can rest in the fact You are generous, will supply all my needs, and love to give good gifts to your children.  I want to join You in your work of being kind and draw others to You because of your kindness.  In Jesus Name, Amen


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