What (almost)Every Marriage is Missing
Photo by arda tutkun on Unsplash
The Lightbulb
Marriage is not easy (no kidding). Take two people with two different personalities, perceptions, needs, etc. and stick them together to live together day in and day out. Conflict is inevitable. Even high school sweethearts who grew up together with the same background can process life in a completely different way.
This is where boundaries come in. According to research professor Brene Brown, “Boundaries are simply our lists of what’s OK and what’s not OK.”
Do most of us even know what healthy boundaries are – or are not? When I brought the book Boundaries in Marriage (Cloud & Townsend, 1999) to my husband’s attention, red flags clouded his vision. Being abandoned as a child, his perception of boundaries understandably was this is how I keep you away. A complete misperception, but how many of us are aware of what healthy boundaries are anyway?
Read my full article on medium.com here.
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