The 180 Trick
Recently, I was peeved at my husband, (okay, yesterday). He had done some yard work and came inside. While he cleaned up, I perused his work with my hawk-like, detail oriented eye noticing something he had missed.
I proceeded outside to trim, cut, and clean the landscape to my liking. In the process, I noticed something else needing “fixing” … and then another and another. By the time I returned inside I was sweaty and grass spattered. I was not happy.
As I was showering, biting thoughts nipped at my mind. Why can’t he do things the way I want them done? Why doesn’t he see what I see? I shouldn’t have to go out there and clean things up. I was smug and pouting and was planning to continue for the rest of the evening, or until placated to my satisfaction.
Then it hit me.
The 180
I do not have to think this way – or act on it for that manner.
I do not have to give this piddly frustration weight and power over my thoughts and how I treat my best friend, my husband.
I have a choice. I have the choice to turn 180 degrees and push those immature, childish thoughts out of my mind and chose to focus on the true and positive aspects of my marriage.
I started listing off all the positive things in my marriage and almost instantly felt the weight and suppression of self-pity lift from my shoulders. I was filled with the joy of choosing better.
My husband is kind, loyal, and loving
He is super intelligent, has a good job and takes good care of us
He is forgiving
He makes me laugh
He is the best life partner for me, and so on…
Right then and there I chose to change my attitude and focus on the beauty in my husband and marriage and not the little foxes - those minor nuisances that threaten our peace and marital harmony. I chose to have a pleasant evening enjoying my husband instead of sinking in the mire of the “poor me game”. How dreadful is self-pity!!?
Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.” (Song of Solomon 2:15 ESV)
Not Married?
No problem. The 180 Trick applies to all relationships. We can choose maturity over immaturity in any of our relationships - interactions with our parents, kids, friends, co-workers, etc. That is the beauty of choice. We are not forced to do the right thing and think the right thoughts, we get to exercise our freedom and choose to do so!
Photo courtesy of Anthony Rosset on Unsplash
Which points us back to the beauty of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ, who gives each and every one of us the choice to live with Him for eternity by accepting His free gift of salvation – or not.
All this is not to say we should sweep inappropriate behavior under the rug. Serious issues must be dealt with appropriately. But for the minor inconveniences that really do not matter…
The choice is ours.
Do you need The 180 Trick today?