Picked First
After sending out countless resumes that yielded precious few interviews, a different candidate was selected, again.
But after five months I remained unemployed. What did they have that I didn’t? I wondered.
The weight of yet another rejection was palpable. Was it my lack of skills, my age, or did my answers not tick the right boxes?
I prayed God would make His will clear with each interview. Is this God’s will or is it me?
Is there something wrong with me? Why wasn’t I chosen?
My mind descended another level. The restraints that normally kept fearful thoughts at bay gave way as my insecurities burst forth and cascaded like a dam giving way to the magnitude of the weight it held.
Why does everyone else seem to have it all together? Why do I seem to be the only one struggling?
The toxic comparison easily seeped into other areas of my life.
I still had those pesky 10 pounds to lose, my house needed painting - still, and what on earth was my hair doing? I was losing ground quick.
As I lay in bed suspended in the fog between sleep and wakefulness the condemning thoughts once again threatened attack.
Recognizing the spiritual warfare, I scoured my mental arsenal for a worthy weapon. I floated over the Psalms in my sleepy state and into the New Testament where the sharp and gleaming Sword of the Spirit flashed in my mind’s eye.
We Are Chosen
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. ”
He picked me first. He picked you first. Before Genesis 1. Before the creation of the world!
Suddenly the magnitude of the weight of rejections past and present were instantly dwarfed and lifted in the light of this Truth.
The angst of what I perceived others were thinking of me washed away.
You and I are not forgotten castoffs.
No, for those of us who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior, He chose us.
Like a proud, doting parent showing off photos of their kids to anyone and everyone saying “Look, she’s mine.”
Intentionally. Thoughtfully. On Purpose.
Knowing every single little detail about us – everything we would ever do or say- He still chose you and still chose me.
The world might be impressed with the winner of a popular talent show or an invitation from a President or celebrity, but you and I have been intentionally selected by the most impressive panel in the universe and the only one that truly matters – The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
So let’s celebrate - balloons and gold confetti included!