He Knows

He knew how it would all go down. He knew how His birth would make everyone feel.

He knew the shunning Mary would endure, the shame Joseph felt at the news of Mary’s pregnancy, and the shock the shepherds felt seeing the multitude of heaven praising God.

Even though He is the King of Kings, He would experience these very things Himself and much, much more. But still He thought you and I were worth it and still runs after us today.

For Many, the holidays can be a difficult time. Whether having to spend time with difficult people or with memories of past hurts – He knows.

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Jesus holds us as He was once was held as a baby and gazes at us with the love and tenderness of a doting Father.

So if you are struggling this Christmas, know Jesus is holding you, loving you, affirming you and carrying you through.

As believers in the finished work of the cross, we have divine approval, comfort, and acceptance by the only One who truly matters. The One who created and adores you.

Jesus says I choose you. You are mine. I love you. I am delighted with you just as you are.

How does Jesus minister to you during this season?


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