Death to Saul’s Social Media

In the book of Acts, we read about Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus (who later became Paul).  He went from vehemently persecuting Christians to becoming a follower of Christ in an instant after a blinding encounter with the Lord Jesus (9: 3-6).

Saul was a top notch Pharisee – young, energetic, well-educated, and zealous for the law.  He was also a well-known enemy of the church, not only persecuting local Christians, but even going so far as to get letters from local high priests to take to out of town synagogues, arrest Christians, and bring them back to Jerusalem for trial.  He was one bad dude!

Enter Jesus

On Saul’s way to Damascus to arrest Christians and drag them back to Jerusalem, he was struck blind by Jesus and fell to the ground.  God revealed Himself to him both audibly and visually and Saul became a believer in Jesus as His Lord and Savior.


Can you imagine if Saul were alive today?  Upon word of his conversion, his Facebook and Instagram platforms would instantly deflate.  And the backlash from his followers?  All the “thumbs down” and angry face emojis, not mention loads of hater comments!

I’m pretty sure Paul wouldn’t care now and didn’t care then.  The same zeal he had for the law, now translated into sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ (9:20).  He was laser focused and ended up writing most of the New Testament.  Like most of us, my guess is his only sorrow was those who rejected the good news of the Lord Jesus as Savior – those who might die without Him.

Our Turn

The obvious question for you and me is, Do I care more about sharing the truth about the gospel of Jesus Christ than what others may think of me? 

I am sure Paul heard all sorts of comments from people.  He heard people praising God for his conversion and for now sharing the good news, but he also had many enemies who wanted to see him dead.  Not to mention the families of the people who now mourned the loss of loved ones at his hand.

Can you imagine the depth of guilt and shame Paul must have battled as his gaze met the sorrowful eyes of a grieving mother or father who had lost a loved one at his hand? 

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
— 1 Peter 5:8 ESV

Do You Have a Past?

Friend, do you have a past like Paul?  Maybe not to his degree, but are you like me and your past regrets can quickly mount up like a tidal wave threatening to destroy you?  Let’s take our cue from Paul and press through.  Satan wants us to feel condemned at the very least and destroy us the most.  He wants us to live in defeat, feel as if we are not good enough or unusable in the kingdom of God. 

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 
— Philippians 3:13-14 ESV

I want to encourage you today friend.  None of us is perfect and we all “have a past”.  It is the human condition.  But that does not disqualify us from doing the Lord’s work.  You do not have to look too far in the Bible to see God used ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things for Him.  All we have to do is be available and allow Him to work through us.

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As a long time believer, do I always say and do the right thing?  Unfortunately not.  No one does.  But that doesn’t stop me from continuing to seek the Lord and pray for wisdom and opportunities to share His Truth with others.

Like Paul, let’s leave the past behind – and any “likes” or “follows” - and strive toward sharing the Good News of salvation in Christ Jesus in our best, yet imperfect way.  We will get a big thumbs up from Jesus, our biggest fan.


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