3 Ways to Find Joy in the Everyday

The Tug

When I had a young family, I felt a continual pull away from home.  There was an invisible force tugging at my heart and mind and I had to resist the urge to make other things or people a priority over my husband and children.

My children would holler from one part of the house to the other, “Mom, where are you?” and I would reply in jest “Hawaii” or “the beach”.  Then it hit me I was teaching my children not to be content where God has placed them.

Now that my children are grown, the pull toward the world is still there, just different.

Repeatedly I have to assess my priorities as any number of opportunities present themselves. If I say yes to an opportunity, will I be able to keep my priorities God, my spouse, and family?

This invisible tug is spiritual warfare from the evil one.  The draw to do what I want to do and go where and when I want to (Romans 7:15-16).

This is the “what about me” mentality that counters the teaching of our Lord Jesus.  It is a lie masquerading as self-care.  Don’t get me wrong, self-care is of utmost importance.  Without it, we wouldn’t be any good to anyone.

But the evil one would like nothing more for us to fall into the trap of believing we are needed more in the world than at home.  That “likes”, and “followers” are more important than our most precious relationships.

It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased. - CS Lewis

It is those temptations – or sirens – luring us with “there’s more to life than this and you are missing out of a fun and exciting life where you could be free.”

In reality, it is a trap.  A trap as old as creation.  One our mother Eve fell for it, and we still fall for today (Genesis 3).

The truth is we can have a joyful abundant life no matter what season of life we find ourselves.

God’s plan may seem dull and boring at the time.  Cooking, cleaning, laundry, empty nesting, etc..  Feeling as if we are relegated to service, rarely being noticed much less appreciated.

When we are obedient to the Lord and fulfill our god given roles in our currents season of life, we will reap a harvest of peace and joy.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9 ESV)

Is there any better feeling when you lay your head down on your pillow at night knowing you loved God as best you could by loving and serving those around you?

God wants us to enjoy Him, and He want us to enjoy our lives – even the everyday mundane.

If you are struggling with your lot in life, try these three steps:

Get Grateful

Thank God for what you have!  Have ever been so sick you could not even get out of bed?  When you start to feel better (and can move) suddenly being well enough to do laundry is absolutely amazing (trust me on this one)! 

Be thankful for your husband, children, and all the beautiful relationships in your life. Remember, everyone is an eternal being and an image bearer of God.  I am continually in awe God Almighty has entrusted me with the beautiful people in my life.

Get Your Praise On

Wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? No “fun money” left in the budget until payday? Kids sick? Turn on some worship music and get your praise on. I am not talking about ignoring our responsibilities.

We still need take care of the people and things entrusted to us.  But our enemy would love nothing more than for us to be mopey, dower Christians.  How’s that for a witnesses to His grace and goodness?  It really is amazing how fast the devil will flee - and you can feel better- when you chose to praise instead of complain (Philippians 2: 14-15).

Get Busy

Next, look around at what you can do to guard and protect your loved ones.  We have an extremely important job.  The world would love to chew us - and our families - up and spit us out.  Being a Christian wife and mother is a high and holy calling and a big responsibility.  And being a Christian in this world is a big responsibility too.

Get to planning a surprise date with your husband, teaching your children the bible, or check in with a friend or family member who could use a friend and PRAY!  Each and every soul is at stake and prayer is one of the most important things we can do for each other.

Remember, next time you are tempted to drift away from your reality, stand your ground, implement these steps, and refuse to allow our enemy to steal your life and joy (John 10:10).

How do you find joy in the everyday?


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