The Blessings in Rejection
Photo by Luis del Río from Pexels
Recently I felt tremendous rejection. Gut wrenching, soul-crushing rejection. After years and years of giving of myself, I felt used up and discarded only to be set out at the curb like yesterday’s waste.
Like so many experiences in life, it made wonder if I make God feel the same way. He gave His all in His One and Only son Jesus Christ, yet how many times had I chosen to go my own way? How many times had I turned my back on The Best for the lesser?
I cringe not only at the thought my own rejection of God, but at the vast number of times man has rejected Him throughout history and continues to do so!
The Blessing
So how can rejection be a blessing? How can God make beauty from these ashes?
The horrible feeling is a catalyst for instant action. To jettison into fight or flight mode to escape the pain. But when we sit at God’s feet like Mary, we can learn from it. We can trust God with our hearts and minds and allow His healing salve to mend our broken souls.
I recently found solace in Lysa TerKeurst’s article The Gifts of Rejection. In it she shares three positives we can reap from this deeply disturbing experience.
The gift of being made less.
The gift of being lonely.
The gift of silence.
While these may not seem like gifts, Lysa points out how our God of impossibilities can use them for our good.
Click here to read Lysa’s article and be encouraged.
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