3 Things I Learned from My Imaginary Friendship with Joanna Gaines

Joanna Gaines.  Is there anyone sweeter?  She is so adorable.  Perfection seems to ooze out of every crack and crevice: her TV show, her marriage, children, her creative talent, etc.  And like so many women wishing she were the girl next door, I’ve had an imaginary friendship with Joanna and here is what I learned.

Nobody’s Perfect

It is so tempting to put people on a pedestal and believe they are perfect.  This temptation comes from a God-given urge to be in awe of and worship something greater than ourselves.  Joanna just seems well, perfect.  She is pretty and nice, has cute kids, an adoring husband, and a great sense of style.  And While I would love to maintain Joanna’s flawless persona in my mind, the truth is she’s human like the rest of us (see their I Am Second video here).  I am sure she is an absolute delight, but I am also sure she gets tired and cranky and fussy at times as well.

My Husband Is Just Right… For Me

3 Things I learned from my Imaginary Friendship with Joanna Gaines.png

Chip Gaines.  Nice guy, but way too spirited for me.  The man would probably drive me nuts (not that I’m looking : )!  When I was younger, I thought I may never marry.  I was in my mid-twenties.  The age of endless wedding invitations mocking me with every trip to the mailbox.  I remember hearing a sermon where the minister encouraged singles to pray for all the qualities they wanted in a spouse, but to end the prayer with, “but God you know who is best for me”.   And that is what I did.  And that is what I got.  While my marriage has not been easy, I know my husband is the right one for me.  Through the ups and downs of our marriage, God has done an amazing refining work in both our lives and I look forward to many more years to come.

The Beauty of Flourishing

Chip and Joanna Gaines.  Their names equate success.  A prosperous business, TV show, a magazine, a product line, a B & B, etc.  They are clearly thriving in their calling.  With the help of others, they are making the most of the God-given gifts and talents they have been given while bringing glory to God in the process.  What if we did that?  What if we all flourished in our God-given calling?  What if we all did the hard work of pressing on and through to our “Promised Land”?  God would be made known and glorified even more!  It is a beautiful win-win.

Can I be happy for the success of my sisters in the Lord like Joanna - who are celebrated both in heaven and on earth, bearing the brand of saved and celebrity?  Yes!  I couldn’t live her life and she can’t live mine.  I can’t reach the people she reaches for Jesus nor can she reach the people I do.  We are each divinely created with a unique gifting and purpose (Eph. 2:10).  Jesus invites us to join He and the Father in their work when He said, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming when no one can work.” (John 9:4 NIV)

What is God calling you to?  Are there any perceived obstacles holding you back?


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The Courage to be Me